Expert Found

Amy Macleod

Biological Science Technician



For the past 18 years I've been involved with bear research using non-invasive sampling techniques (genetic, remote camera). I am currently obtaining a MSc in Wildlife Ecology & Management and plan to follow it with a PhD. My masters thesis research uses DNA data and hair samples from my previous work and new stable isotope analysis to investigate the diet of sympatric grizzly (Ursus arctos) and black Bears (U. americanus) in Glacier National Park, Montana. For more information on my work see my webpage and/or my LinkedIn Profile


Bears, Ursus spp


  • Kendall, K.C., Graves, T.A., Royle, J.A., Macleod, A.C., McKelvey, K.S., Boulanger, Waller J.S. (2019) Using bear rub data and spatial capture-recapture models to estimate trend in a brown bear population. Sci Rep 9, 16804. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-52783-5
  • Kendall KC, Macleod AC, Boyd KL, Boulanger J, Royle JA, Kasworm WF, Paetkau D, Proctor MF, Annis K, Graves TA. 2015. Density, distribution, and genetic structure of grizzly bears in the Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem. The Journal of Wildlife Management 80(2):314-
  • Stetz, J.B., K.C. Kendall, and A.C. Macleod. 2013. Black bear density in Glacier National Park, Montana. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(1). Early View Nov 2013. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.356
  • Kendall, K. C., J. B. Stetz, J. Boulanger, A. C. Macleod, D. Paetkau, and G. C. White. 2009. Demography and genetic structure of a recovering brown bear population. Journal of Wildlife Management. 73 (1):3-17.

Fieldwork Location


Expertise Information

Endangered Species
Landscape-Level Conservation